16 dec. 2014

Winter cold

„Crivățul iernii”
Descrierea autorului:
„Atmosfera picturii este menită să rascolească amintirile ... holograme cu ierni reci mânate de vântul puternic al crivatului, cu întinderi albe, fără sfârșit și cu drumuri înzăpezite. Amintiri adânci, păstrate cu drag, proaspete și vii, chiar dacă zăpada anilor s-a așternut peste ele ...

O amintire din copilarie petrecută în mediul rural în casa primitoare a bunicilor. Eu neavand bunici la țară ... îmi imaginez ce plăcut era pentru un copil obosit de atâta săniat și rebegit de frig să deschidă ușa acestei căsuțși să se lase învăluit de căldura și mirosul de prăjituri tradiționale ..., atunci când venit de afară, din asprul viscol spre casă , mai vede doar fumul care iese din coșul sobei, asteptând cu poftă să guste preparatele bunicii ,în ajunul sărbătorilor de iarnă.

Cine avea bunicii la țară ..., cine nu , cel puțin putea să viseze la o astfel de casa care așteaptă să ofere căldură și adăpost atunci când ne-am pierdut pe drumurile înghețate ale vieții."

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei placaj-carton 27 x 22  cm .(cu ramă 30 x 25   cm)
Finalizat în anul 2014
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
Această lucrare provine din colecția "Rădăcini Naționale"
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte
Această pictură este disponibilă spre vânzare 
Sursa: Aici
„Winter cold”
Author's description:
"The atmosphere of the painting is meant to shake the memories ... holograms with cold winters haunted by the north wind, with white stretches, endless and with snowy roads. Deep memories, kept lovingly, fresh and alive, even though the snow of the years has been laying over them...

A childhood memories spent in the countryside in the welcoming home of grandparents. I do not have grandparents in the country ... i imagine how was it like for a child,exhauted of so much sledging and frost,to open the door of this house and let the heat and the smell of the traditional cakes called  surround him, when you see only the smoke coming out of the stove's chimney, which draws you to the house frosted by cold at the mouth of the stove, waiting with the desire to taste the preparations of your grandmother on the eve of the winter holidays.

Who had grandparents at the countryside...,who hadn"t, at least could dream at such a house that is waiting to offer heat and shelter when we got lost on the frosty roads of the  life."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil -plywood 27 x 22 cm.(With frame 30 x 25 cm)
Finished in year 2014
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan 
This artwork comes from the "National Roots " Collection.
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte
This painting is available for sale
Source: Here

28 sept. 2014

Ancient Civilization

„Civilizații Antice

Descrierea autorului:
Conceptul de civilizație,ca ansamblu de elemente ale unei vieți sociale organizate,implică preponderența factorului uman asupra forțelor naturale și asupra instinctelor animalice.
Lucrarea „Civilizații antice“abordează tematica din punct de vedere antropologic,punând accent pe impactul culturii materiale asupra profilului psihologic al omului în diferitele etape ale antropogenezei. 

Tabloul infațișează o succesiune de atitudini de viață conforme cu ansamblul de credințe ,tradiții și obiceiuri care au caracterizat principalele civilizații din antichitate.
Privită în ansamblu,istoria culturii și a civilizațiilor pare a ilustra teoria ondulațiunii universale despre care vorbește filozoful român Vasile Conta,întrucât și acest fenomen a cunoscut momente de creștere în intensitate,momente de vârf și apoi de declin.

Civilizațiile au apărut și dispărut misterios în decursul mileniilor,dar valorile perene au rămas,s-au perpetuat,fapt sugerat și prin simbolistica nuanțelor cromatice folosite în tablou.Lumina cunoașterii și întunericul ignoranței,rosul de foc al voinței de a trăi și nelipsitul verde al speranței au însotit omenirea în existența ei.

Dincolo de imagine,rămâne însă mult mister despre care depun mărturie vestigiile rămase.
Pentru mine ,cel mai profund mister zace în adâncul ființei,în genomul uman,depozitarul unor informații care transced și timpul și spațiul.
Lucrarea își propune să pună în evidență acest aspect.Mă referer aici la imixtiunea extratereștrilor la progresul civilizațiilor..."

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei -Placaj gros PFL 36 x 80 cm .(cu ramă -Aproximativ 42 x 86 cm)
Finalizat în anul 2014
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
Această lucrare provine din colecția "Urme și amprente în timp"
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

Ancient Civilization"

Author's description:
The concept of civilization, as an ensemble of elements of an organized social life, involves the preponderance of the human factor to the natural forces and to the animal instincts. The "Ancient Civilizations" work approaches the theme from an anthropological point of view, emphasizing the impact of the material culture on the psychological profile of man in the various stages of anthropogenesis. 

The painting depicts a succession of attitudes of life consistent with the set of beliefs, traditions and customs that have characterized the main civilizations of antiquity. Overall, the history of culture and civilizations seems to illustrate the theory of universal waving about which the Roman philosopher Vasile Conta speaks, this phenomenon experienced moments of increase in intensity, peak moments and then decline. 

Civilizations appeared and disappeared mysteriously over the millennia, but the perennial values ​​remained, perpetuated, as suggested by the symbolism of the chromatic nuances used in the painting. The light of knowledge and the darkness of ignorance, the red light of the will to live and the unshakable green of hope, have accompanied humanity to its existence. Aside from the image, it remains a lot of mystery about testifying the remaining vestiges.
For me, the deepest mystery lies in the depth of the being, in the human genome, the depository of information that transcends time and space. The work aims to highlight this aspect. I refer here to the interference of aliens to the progress of civilizations ..."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil Plywood 36 x 80 cm.(With frame-Aproximatly 42 x 86 cm)
Finished in year 2014
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan 
This artwork comes from the "
Traces and prints in time"Collection.
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

11 sept. 2014

Wild Flowers


”Wild Flowers „ 

Tehnical description:

Title:”Wild Flowers „ 

-Flori sălbatice-

Author: Noktys

Dimensions: H180 x W125Cm - On canvas.

Calculate in inches: H 74,60 In x W51,80 In

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

 Collectors Info:

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.

For this artwork are also available 100x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...

The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.

At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

On Wall

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.

Height 75Cm x Width 50Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 29,53In x Width 19,69In.

Size for moderate rooms:

Height 110 Cm x Width 75Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 43,31In x Width 29,53In.

Large room size:

Height 150 cm x width 100cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 59,06 In x Width 39,37 In.

The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.

Direct contact: Contact list

Facebook: Here

Instagram: Here

27 aug. 2014

Ancient manuscripts


”Ancient Manuscripts 

Tehnical description:

Title:”Ancient manuscripts „

Author: Noktys

Dimensions: H183 x W187 Cm - On canvas.

Calculate in inches: H72 In x W73 In

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

 Collectors Info:

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.

For this artwork are also available 150 x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...

The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.

At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

On wall

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.

Height 75Cm x Width 75Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 29,53In x Width 29,53In.

Size for moderate rooms:

Height 100Cm x Width 100Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 39,37In x Width 39,37In.

Large room size:

Height 145 cm x width 145 cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 57,09 In x Width 57,09 In.

The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.

Direct contact: Contact list

Facebook: Here

Instagram: Here

17 aug. 2014

Tha call of the sea

Zoom 1
Chemarea Mării”

Descrierea autorului:
Vechile scrieri vedice vorbesc despre existența unei conștiințe universale ce interconectează tot ceea ce ne înconjoară,făcând ca totul să functioneze ca un întreg.Apa,aer și pământ,materie și energie,prezente în acest tablou alcătuiesc o compoziție ce stă sub semnul chemării...„Chemarea mării“

Astăzi,descoperirile științifice din domeniul fizicii cuantice mai ales,confirmă ceea ce cu mii de ani în urmă doar se intuia.Totul în jur e vibrație,materia se schimbă în energie și energia se materializează într-un continuu efect de ubicuitate.
Misterioase chemări ,percepute conștient sau inconștient de psihicul nostru ,ne înconjoară la tot pasul,declanșând un permanent proces de armonizare a frecvențelor vibratorii ce poate merge până la rezonanță.

Rezonăm cu ceea ce ne place,simțim încărcatura energetică,fără să ne mai gândim la misterul ce se ascunde dincolo de aparență.
Privită din această perspectivă,lucrarea devine un crampei de energie materializată în imagini și culoare,un cumul de gânduri și simțiri ,ca reacție de tip cauză-efect în fața minunilor creației.

Marea...impresionanta masă de apă,mediu de viață pentru atâtea vietăți știute și neștiute,ne fascinează cu neodihna ei.Sub degetele nevăzute ale Lunii se produc mareele,valurile aleargă la suprafața ei mânate de vânt.
Același lucru se întamplă și la nivel energetic,întrucât între lumea fizică și cea esoterică există multe corespondențe.
O mare de energii ne înconjoară,valuri de unde ne iau cu asalt,ne îmbrățișează,ne scaldă și ne influențează starea de spirit.
În mijlocul acestor fenomene e omul,oglinda subiectivă a lumii obiective,dar și entitate capabilă să modeleze ceea ce îl inconjoară prin puterea gândurilor sale.

Parte a conștiinței universale,chemăm și răspundem chemărilor...

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei -Placaj gros PFL 57 x 80 cm .(cu ramă -Aproximativ 63 x 86 cm)
Finalizat în anul 2018
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
Această lucrare provine din colecția "Paradisul Pierdut"
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

The calling of sea"

Author's description:
The ancient Vedic writings  speak about the existence of a universal consciousness that interconnects all that surrounds us,making everything work as a whole. Water, air and earth, matter and energy, present in this picture make up a composition that is under the sign of the call. "The Call of the Sea"

Today, scientific discoveries in the field of quantum physics, in particular, confirm what thousands of years ago are only intuited. Everything around is vibration, matter is changed into energy, and energy materializes into a continuous ubiquitous effect. Misterious calls,perceived consciously or unconsciously by our psyche,surround us at every step,triggering a permanent process of harmonizing the vibratory frequencies that can reach up to the resonance.We resonate with what we like, feel the energy load, without thinking about the mystery hiding beyond the appearance.

Viewed from this perspective, the work becomes a surge of energy materialized in images and color, a combination of thoughts and feelings, as a cause-effect reaction to the wonders of creation.
The great ... impressive mass of water, a living environment for so many known and unforgettable creatures, fascinates us with its restlessness. The unseen fingers of the moon produce tides, the waves run over its windy surface.

The same thing happens at the energy level, because there are many correspondences between the physical world and the esoteric world. A great deal of energy surrounds us,waves overwhealm , embrace and bathe our spirit ,inducing the state of mind.
In the midst of these phenomena is man, the subjective mirror of the objective world, but also an entity capable of shaping what surrounds it by the power of his thoughts.
Part of universal consciousness,we call and answer the calls..."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil Plywood 57 x 80 cm.(With frame-Aproximatly 63 x 86 cm)
Finished in year 2018
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan 
This artwork comes from the "Paradise Lost"Collection.
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

9 aug. 2014

Black Sea

„Marea Neagră”
Descrierea autorului:
Pentru mine,marea a reprezentat întotdeauna metafora vie a zbuciumului în ceea ce privește existența...abis misterios,stăpânit de liniștea și întunericul adâncurilor,netulburat de milenii,tărâm al eternității pentru destinele secerate de furia furtunilor de la suprafață.

Sălbăticia plajelor neatinse prea mult de mâna omului mă tulbură profund și îmi dau un sentiment straniu de loc aflat la capătul pământului.Chiar și este într-un fel.Mișcările ritmice ale valurilor ,fluxul și refluxul,par bătăi la porțile dintre Orient și Occident...bătăi sfioase uneori,sau invazive,furioase,pe timp de furtună.

Tabloul reprezintă această stare pe care o încerc de fiecare dată când poposesc la malul mării și îmi las spiritul purtat pe creasta valurilor,la hotarul dintre cele două lumi atât de diferite."

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei -H.p.placaj 30 x 40 cm .(cu ramă 36 x 46 cm)
Finalizat în anul 2014
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
Această lucrare provine din colecția "Paradisul pierdut
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

„Black Sea”

Author's description:
For me,the sea has always been the living metaphor of the struggle as regards existence...mysterious abyss,dominated by the silence and darkness of the depths ,untouched for millennia ,the realm of eternity for the destinies cut off by the rage of the surface storms.

The wilderness of the beaches not too much affected by man's intrusion,deeply disturbs me and gives me a strange sense of being  in a place at the verge of the earth.. And really is in a way. The rhythmic wave movements, the flow and the reflux, seem to be beating at the gates between the East and the West. ...beats sometimes shy,or invasive,angry during a storm.

The painting represents this state I'm trying every time I sit on the seashore and leave my spirit worn on the ridge of waves, at the border between the two different worlds.."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil -l.o cardboard 30 x 40 cm.(With frame 36 x 46 cm)
Finished in year 2014
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
This artwork comes from the "Paradise lost" Collection.
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

20 iul. 2014



Tehnical description:



Author: Noktys

Dimensions: H180 x W100Cm - On canvas.

Calculate in inches: H70,87 In x W39,37 In

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

 Collectors Info:

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.

For this artwork are also available 75x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...

The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.

At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

On Wall

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.

Height 60Cm x Width 35Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 23,62In x Width 13,78In.

Size for moderate rooms:

Height 80Cm x Width 45Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 31,50In x Width 17,72In.

Large room size:

Height 120 cm x width 70 cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 47,24 In x Width 27,56 In.

The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.

Direct contact: Contact list

Facebook: Here

Instagram: Here

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